College Ministries and Churches Serving University Students
This guide includes Boston-area Christian campus ministries and a sample of churches serving college students.
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College Ministries and Churches Serving University Students in Boston
by Rudy Mitchell, Senior Researcher
With its 150,000 students and 35 colleges and universities, Boston has long been known as one of the leading college towns in America. The greater Boston area has about 50 colleges and universities and over 250,000 students. Known as the Athens of America, Boston also hosts many thousands of international students, scholars, and researchers.
Here is a selective guide to some Boston-area Christian campus ministries and a sample of churches serving college students.
If you are a prospective student, parent, youth worker, or advisor, this information can help you find a Christian group or staff worker. If you believe God is calling you into campus ministry, Boston is a strategic area with many opportunities for ministry. If you have a concern to pray for Boston-area campuses, students, and ministries, this guide provides an overview and some information to start with. Current students with questions about God or the Christian faith can use this guide to find fellow students or campus workers to talk to or meet with.
General Campus Ministries
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF)
"The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and God’s purposes in the world." — IVCF, Our Purpose
Leadership: Susan Park, Area Director
Contact: newengland@intervarsity.org
InterVarsity has ministries, groups, or staff covering the following campuses: Babson College, Berklee College of Music (including Boston Conservatory), Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Bunker Hill Community College, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS), New England Conservatory, Northeastern University, Radcliffe College, Tufts University, and the University of Massachusetts Boston.
Some ministries on various campuses are focused on serving specific undergraduate or graduate groups. For example, Harvard Graduate School Christian Fellowship serves Harvard graduate students in the Law School, Business School, and others.
For contacts and information on staff or groups, visit intervarsity.org/chapters.
Cru Boston
“Cru is a caring community passionate about connecting people to Jesus Christ. Our purpose is helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the power of the Holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ, building them in their faith and sending them to win and build others. We help the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship in a variety of creative ways. We are committed to the centrality of the Cross, the truth of the Word, the power of the Holy Spirit and the global scope of the Great Commission. … Cru offers spiritual guidance, resources and programs tailored to people from all cultures in every walk of life.” — Cru, What We Do
Website: cruboston.com
Leadership: Sharon Kumar, Cru Team leader in Boston
Staff contacts: cruboston.com/contact
Cru has groups, ministries, or staff covering the following campuses: Babson College, Berklee College of Music (including Boston Conservatory), Boston College, Boston University, Brandeis University, Bunker Hill Community College, Emerson College, Emmanuel College, Harvard University, Lesley University, Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt), Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), New England Conservatory of Music, Northeastern University, Roxbury Community College, Simmons University, University of Massachusetts Boston, Wellesley College, and Wentworth Institute of Technology.
“The Navigators Christian Fellowship at Boston University is a community of students and friends who want to know God and Jesus Christ and who want to love and encourage each other while walking through life together in Boston.” — The Navigators Christian Fellowship at Boston University
The ministry has weekly small-group Bible studies and large-group meetings.
Navigators is a 90-year-old international, interdenominational Christian ministry known for its emphasis on discipleship and its motto, “to know Christ and to make him known.”
Website: bunavs.org
Craig Parker, City Leader
Rich Brzoska, Campus Director
Chi Alpha
Chi Alpha is a campus ministry that seeks to reconcile students to Christ and build a strong foundation for a lifelong relationship with Him. It is affiliated with the Assemblies of God denomination.
In Boston, there are Chi Alpha Christian Fellowships at Boston College, Boston University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Website: chialpha.com
Christian Union
Christian Union seeks to “bring spiritual transformation and renewal to campus by seeking the Lord, growing in knowledge and love of His Word.” Staff teach “intellectually rigorous Bible courses, disciple students one-on-one, and coach students to develop as Christian leaders.” — Christian Union
Christian Union ministers at Harvard University and Harvard Law School.
Website: cuglorialaw.org
Don Weis, Christian Union Director of Undergraduate Ministry at Harvard
Justin Yim, Christian Union Ministry Director at Harvard Law
Contact: glorialaw@christianunion.org
Coalition for Christian Outreach
Coalition for Christian Outreach is a national student ministry partnering with local churches. Its vision is to see students empowered by the Holy Spirit to live out the public implications of their personal transformation in every sphere of life. They love Jesus intimately, view the world Biblically, live obediently, join in Christ’s restoration of all things, and invite others to do the same.
Locally, the ministry serves students at Boston College and Berklee College of Music and partners with the Church of the Cross.
Leadership: Garrett Rice, Campus Minister, Boston College
International Students Inc. (ISI)
“International Students, Inc. exists to share Christ’s love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others.” — International Students, About Us
Leadership: Steve Hope, ISI Boston City Director
Boston International Student Ministry
“Our mission is to collectively serve international students, scholars, and their families by providing valuable services and activities. … The services we offer consist primarily of friendship partners, holiday host families, seminars, tourism, and ESL classes (conversational and academic). Spiritual activities such as Bible studies and church participation are also offered for those who are interested.” — Boston International Student Ministry, About Us
Website: ismbostonwest.org
Contact: Michael Dean
For more information on international student ministry in Boston, see the Emmanuel Gospel Center’s New England’s Book of Acts, Section 2, pp. 103-113.
Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)
“Reformed University Fellowship - (RUF) is a campus ministry that reaches college students from all backgrounds with the hope of Jesus Christ. College is a time when beliefs are explored, decisions are made, and lives are changed. We invite students into authentic relationships and the study of God’s Word.” — Reformed University Fellowship
Boston University
Website: rufbu.com
Campus minister: Nathan Dicks
Harvard University
Website: ruf.org/ministry/harvard-university
Campus minister: Michael Whitham
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Website: ruf.org/ministry/massachusetts-institute-of-technology
Campus minister: Solomon Kim
Sojourn Collegiate Ministry
Sojourn is a New England campus ministry with a focus on community, justice, and faith. Serving Northeastern University, Boston University, University of Massachusetts, Boston and Tufts University (Bread Coffeehouse).
Website: sojourncollegiate.com
Boston Lead: Linsey Field
Executive Director: Tim Hawkins
The Archdiocese of Boston has a Campus Ministry Office with links and information about its many Catholic campus ministries: bostoncatholic.org/chaplaincy-programs/college-campus-ministry.
Athena Grace via Lightstock
Churches with college student ministries or serving college students
Abundant Life Church, Cambridge
A number of college students attend this church led by Pastor Larry Ward. Associate Pastor Kadeem Massiah is experienced in campus ministry.
Website: alccambridge.org
Phone: (617) 864-2826
Bethel AME Church
College Corner is Bethel AME’s college ministry.
Website: bethelame.org/church-school
Facilitators: Sis. Shironda White & Rev. Carrington
Phone: (617) 524-7900
Boston Chinese Evangelical Church (BCEC)
BCEC has a long history of serving college students.
Website: bcec.net
College ministry staff
Ryan So, Director Young Adult & College Ministries, (617) 426-5711, x219
Chris Horte, Director of Student Ministries, Newton Campus, (617) 243-0100 x207
Central Square Church, Cambridge
The conveniently located congregation tends to have many college students attending.
Website: centralsquare.church/youngadults
College ministry staff
Jean Shim, Pastor of Young Adults & Ministries
Phone: 617-420-2232
Email: info@centralsquare.church
Christ the King Church, Cambridge
Christ the King is centrally located between Harvard and MIT at 99 Prospect St. in Cambridge and supports several Reformed University Fellowship groups on campuses.
Website: ctkcambridge.org/college
Phone: (617) 864-5464
Church of the Cross
The campus ministry is a partner with Coalition for Christian Outreach, which is a national student ministry partnering with local churches: ccojubilee.org/about-us.
Website: cotcboston.org/staffandclergy
College ministry staff
Garrett Rice, Director for Collegiate and Young Adult Ministry
City Life Church
City Life Church serves students from many campuses with community groups, monthly city-wide meetings, and retreats.
Website: citylifeboston.org/university
Hyunjo Park and Jamie Lee, University Ministry Interns
Cornerstone Church of Boston
Cornerstone has both young adults and students in its congregation. Its campus ministry contact person is Danny Yoon.
Jubilee Christian Church
Jubilee’s College & Young Adult Ministry is called “Influence.”
Website: jubileeboston.org/influence
Phone: (617) 296-5683
Email: connect@jubileeboston.org
Park Street Church (PSC)
PSC partners with Cru Boston to reach undergraduates and InterVarsity to reach graduate students on campus, but college students involved at Park Street Church also participate in other on-campus ministries.
College community: parkstreet.org/ministries/college/
Internationals: parkstreet.org/ministries/internationals
Boston Healthcare Fellowship: healthcarefellowship.org
Tammy McLeod, Director of College Ministry
Tim Leary, Director of Grad Student Ministries
Dr. Raymond Kam, Minister to Internationals
Symphony Church
The Symphony College Congregation meets at 967 Commonwealth Ave. in Boston.
Website: symphonychurch.com/college
Email: admin@symphonychurch.com
Michael Oh, College Pastor
*For more complete information on churches, see our online Church Directory and map.
Aimee Whitmire via Lightstock
College Campuses & Christian Ministries Serving Them
Babson College
Berklee College of Music
Cru, IVCF, Coalition for Christian Outreach, Berklee House of Prayer
Boston College
Cru, IVCF, Coalition for Christian Outreach, Chi Alpha, Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK)
Boston University
Cru, IVCF, Navigators, Reformed University Fellowship, Sojourn Collegiate Ministry, Chi Alpha, Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK)
Brandeis University
Cru, IVCF, Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK)
Bunker Hill Community College
Cru, IVCF (Christian Fellowship)
Curry College
IVCF - Crossroads, JAM, Office of Spiritual Life
Emerson College
See nearby Park Street Church, City Life Church, & Cornerstone Church
Center for Spiritual Life: emconnect.emerson.edu/organization/spirituallife
Emmanuel College
Cru, IVCF, Mission and Ministry (including Community Service)
Harvard University
Cru, IVCF, Christian Union Gloria, Southern Baptist Chaplaincy, Foursquare Church Chaplain, Reformed University Fellowship (PCA), Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK), and other denominational chaplaincies. Radcliffe also has an IVCF group.
Lesley University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt)
Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cru, IVCF, Reformed University Fellowship, Chi Alpha (Baptist Student Fellowship), Asian Baptist Student Koinonia, Octet Collaborative-Christian Study Center, Cambridge Roundtable on Science and Religion (for faculty, contact: dyamash@mit.edu)
New England Conservatory of Music
Cru, IVCF (NEC Christian Fellowship)
Northeastern University
Agape Christian Fellowship (CRU), InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Asian Baptist Graduate Student Koinonia, Chinese Christian Fellowship, Open Table (Lutheran-Episcopal Campus Ministry), Sojourn Collegiate Ministry, Youth Empowerment Ministry, and YWAM Friends (International Students)
Roxbury Community College
Simmons College
Suffolk University
Youth Empowerment Ministry
See nearby Park Street Church, City Life Church, and Cornerstone Church
Tufts University
C. Stacey Woods Programming Board (Partnering with IVCF), University Chaplaincy, Sojourn Collegiate Ministry (Bread Coffee House)
University of Massachusetts, Boston
Cru, IVCF, Sojourn Collegiate Ministry, UMB Christians On Campus, First Love UMass, and Life On Campus
Wellesley College
Cru, IVCF, Asian Baptist Student Koinonia (ABSK), Wellesley Symphony Church group, Awaken the Dawn (Christian Acapella Group), Wellesley CityLife Church group
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Cru, Alpha Omega
To find further information about specific campuses and groups, you can typically use a search with the following pattern: “name of school” and “student organizations” (category: religious & spiritual).
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