Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center

Self-Care Resources for Anti-Trafficking Leaders

Self CareResources for Leaders Fighting against Human Trafficking



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Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center

Resources For Churches about Anti-Human Trafficking

Resources about Human Trafficking for Churches.


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Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center

Resources to Learn More About Human Trafficking

Books, Websites, Documentaries, and other Educational Resources on Human Trafficking.


Remember to order through Amazon Smile and support an organization fighting human trafficking.




  • Love 146 Not a Number Prevention Curriculum

  • My Life My Choice Prevention Curriculum

  • CAASE Chicago toolkits: The Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) provides comprehensive toolkits for teachers, writers, churches, students, doctors, etc who want to spread the word about human trafficking in their spheres.

  • Learn2Impact social justice curriculum: Learn2Impact offers a free high school curriculum focused on social justice. The curriculum is planned out according to a semester long class schedule and includes units on human trafficking and fair labor.

  • IJM Social Justice Curriculum for High School Students. International Justice Mission has created a complete curriculum for high school students dealing with social justice--particularly modern day slavery. Includes lesson plans, handouts, and homework assignments.

  • Human Trafficking 101 for School Administrators and Staff Human Trafficking 101 Factsheets from the Blue Campaign with useful resources for trafficking awareness for schools.

  • Human Trafficking Toolkit for High School Students and Educators A collection of downloadable resources about human trafficking to be used in a high school setting.

IV. Resources For Churches:


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Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center

Organizations Working Against Human Trafficking in the Boston Area

Resources to help leaders join the fight against Human Trafficking. (Includes:  1. Who is involved in the Abolitionist Network 2. Who else is fighting Human Trafficking locally 3. Learning about Human Trafficking (recommended books, movies, websites) 4. Resources for Churches and 5. Self Care Resources for Leaders.

I. Who is involved in the Abolitionist Network?

A. Churches in the Abolitionist Network:

B. Churches involved in the movement against Trafficking:

C. Christian Ministries in the greater Boston area addressing human trafficking:

II. Who else is fighting Human Trafficking locally? (Abnet partners)

A. Coalitions/ Networks:

  • Massachusetts Coalition to End Human Trafficking

  • Connecting and Equipping MA to Prevent, Identify and End Human Trafficking!

  • DEMAND Abolition This site focuses on the demand side of human trafficking and how to stop this cycle. The site includes important and helpful information on why this approach could be the answer to this major problem

  • CEASE Network Boston A network working to lessen the harm inherent to the illegal sex industry by reducing the demand for paid sex. Through initiatives targeting sex buyers the CEASE Network will cut the illegal sex trade by 20%, in every city it operates in, within two years.

  • Not on Our Watch: Lower Roxbury Coalition,

  • MA Department of Public Health task force, led by Linda Brown. Quarterly gatherings, focusing especially on labor trafficking and public health

  • The High Risk Youth Network Monthly meetings and “speakers series” to connect agencies, NGOs and community leaders working with “high risk youth” in Boston.

B. Labor Trafficking / Immigration activists:

  • MA Interfaith Worker Justice We are a network of people of faith that calls upon our religious values in order to educate, organize, and mobilize the religious community in the United States on issues and campaigns that will improve wages, benefits and conditions for workers, and give voice to workers, especially low-wage workers.

  • MataHari: Eye of the Day This site will connect you with many different social issues that are faced on a daily basis such as “internalized and institutional racism, heterosexism, classism, xenophobia, partner and sexual violence and exploitation as it occurs within our communities of color, immigrant communities and within our social justice organizations”. They are seeking justice for the many people who are abused in our community today.

  • MA coalition for Domestic Workers

  • MIRA: The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition. MIRA’s work encompasses policy and advocacy analysis, institutional organizing, training and leadership development, and communications.

  • Boston Faith and Justice Network We believe you need to “Live gratefully, change our community, and Advocate” for the cause. Resources available such as the “Lazarus at the Gate” curriculum, looking at financial Stewardship, justice and generosity.

C. Academia / Research:

D. Aftercare for Youth:

  • My Life My Choice - We empower youth to find their voice and create a positive life path: through Survivor mentoring, groups, advocacy, and community trainings.

  • The SEEN Coalition - wrap around model for case management for CSEC girls

  • BLOOM, by teen Challenge - short term residential housing for girls 12-18

E. System involved youth:

F. Homeless youth:

G. Aftercare for Adults:

  • Housing and case management for survivors of human trafficking:

  • RIA house Case management and survivor support groups for women over 18 who are coming out of commercial sexual exploitation

  • The Eva Center Case management and housing for women over 18 who are coming out of commercial sexual exploitation. House has some capacity for women with children.

  • Amirah whole-person, wrap around care and housing for women over 18, domestic, coming out of sex trafficking/ commercial sexual exploitation

  • Procopio Consulting and Counseling : male survivors of commercial sexual exploitation

  • Bethany Christian Services of Southern New England - case management for labor and sex trafficking

  • MataHari:eye of the Day - case management for labor trafficking especially

H. Addiction recovery for adults:

I. Domestic Violence/ Rape crisis support:

J. Healthcare Resources:

K. Law enforcement and Legal services:


III. Learn more about human trafficking:  

A. Recommended Books

Remember to order through Amazon Smile and support an organization fighting human trafficking.

B. Recommended Documentaries:

C. Informational Websites:

D. Educational Resources For Schools:

  • Love 146 Not a Number Prevention Curriculum

  • My Life My Choice Prevention Curriculum

  • CAASE Chicago toolkits: The Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE) provides comprehensive toolkits for teachers, writers, churches, students, doctors, etc who want to spread the word about human trafficking in their spheres.

  • Learn2Impact social justice curriculum: Learn2Impact offers a free high school curriculum focused on social justice. The curriculum is planned out according to a semester long class schedule and includes units on human trafficking and fair labor.

  • IJM Social Justice Curriculum for High School Students. International Justice Mission has created a complete curriculum for high school students dealing with social justice--particularly modern day slavery. Includes lesson plans, handouts, and homework assignments.

  • Human Trafficking 101 for School Administrators and Staff Human Trafficking 101 Factsheets from the Blue Campaign with useful resources for trafficking awareness for schools.

  • Human Trafficking Toolkit for High School Students and Educators A collection of downloadable resources about human trafficking to be used in a high school setting.

IV. Resources For Churches:

Other books/resources for leaders we recommend:


V. Self Care Resources for Leaders:

A. Locations for retreat:

B. Books on burnout prevention and sabbath:

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Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center

Who Is Involved in the Abolitionist Network?

I. Human Trafficking Resource List [Churches, Leaders, & Ministries involved in the Abolitionist Network]

I. Who is involved in the Abolitionist Network?




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Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center

Exploitation Response Sheet for Spanish Speakers

Qué es explotación/Tráfico Humano? "Tráfico Humano es la adquisición de la personas pormedios impropios, tales como la fuerza, el fraude, o la coacción, con el objetivo de explotarlos." United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime­trafficking/

Si alguien se identifica a sí mismo como una víctima de la trata de personas, o sospecha quealguien está en riesgo o involucrados con la trata de personas y la explotación, aquí están los recursos para la respuesta

Hoja de Recursos/Respuestas de Explotación

Qué es explotación/Tráfico Humano? "Tráfico Humano es la adquisición de la personas pormedios impropios, tales como la fuerza, el fraude, o la coacción, con el objetivo de explotarlos." United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime­trafficking/

Si alguien se identifica a sí mismo como una víctima de la trata de personas, o sospecha quealguien está en riesgo o involucrados con la trata de personas y la explotación, aquí están los recursos para la respuesta

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Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center Trafficking/Exploitation Emmanuel Gospel Center

Exploitation Response Resource Sheet Quincy, MA

If someone self-identifies as a victim of human trafficking, or you suspect someone is at risk or involved with human trafficking and exploitation, here are resources for response.

If someone self-identifies as a victim of human trafficking, or you suspect someone is at risk or involved with human trafficking and exploitation, here are resources for response.

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