Intercultural Ministry
The Emmanuel Gospel Center is partnering with the Fellowship of Haitian Evangelical Pastors of New England on “Pwojè Rebati” to raise funds for restoration efforts in Southern Haiti.
Mental models are assumptions we make about how the world works. What mental models do we hold about refugees? How willing are we to challenge those mental models with new information? Olivia Blumenshine walks us through a process for uncovering our own mental models about refugees. She discusses five common mental models about refugees and where those models may be incomplete, outdated, or based on false information.
Photojournal of the refugee stories, cuisine, videos, and panels guests enjoyed at the 2017 GBRM Fundraiser. If you missed this memorable evening, you can still take part in the fundraiser -- help them reach their $50K goal for 2018!
The dynamics of shaming affect your church community more than you might think. Guest contributor Sang-il Kim raises awareness for Boston Christian leaders to a surprising level of honor-shame dynamics in US urban culture. Join the conversation!