Next Step Resources on Race for White Evangelicals

Below is a compilation of resources to help White Evangelicals live a more racially just life through laying a theological foundation, understanding the problem, and doing something about it.

Note that this builds upon RCCI’s list of Starter Resources on Race for White evangelicals. If you have not yet read the resources or types of resources on this list, start here.

I — Laying a Theological Foundation

The Bible & Theology in Color: An Online Course Follow Dr. Esau McCulley, author of Reading While Black, through an online course that explores the valuable contributions that African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latino/a Americans have made in the body of Christ.


Becoming a Just Church: Cultivating Communities of God’s Shalom This book provides both a theological framework and practical examples for how to become a just church. It helps readers shift from seeing justice as an "optional" activity to a way of being that permeates the congregation and extends and embodies shalom.


II — Understanding the Problem

Race in America Watch this 18-minute video offering a historical overview of race in America from Phil Vischer, the voice of Larry the Cucumber. This focuses on Black-White race relations from after the Civil War to today.


The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism Though the White Church is beginning to step up and address issues related to racism, unfortunately, historically, this has been the exception and not the norm. It’s important that we know how the Church has been complicit in racism so we can learn from our history and understand how it has shaped our present. 


The Myth of Equality: Uncovering the Roots of Injustice and Privilege — People’s experiences and outcomes are different based on the color of their skin, but where does racial inequality come from? And why does it continue today? Join Ken Wystma, founder of The Justice Conference, to better understand the U.S. history and social dynamics that have contributed to and uphold racial inequality today.


Insider Outsider: My Journey As a Stranger in White Evangelicalism and My Hope for Us All — Hear from Black pastor, Bryan Loritts, about his experience in White evangelicalism in ways that can help you see how White culture and racism may shapes your congregation and people’s experience in your congregation in ways you may not be aware.


White Lies: 9 Ways to Expose and Resist the Racial Systems that Divide Us — Journey with Daniel Hill, author of White Awake, to name, understand, and overcome the lies that pose obstacles to White people effectively continuing God’s redemptive work in the area of race relations. 


III — Doing Something About It

Allyship: A Guide Toward Solidarity Rather than think of an ‘ally’ as a person, it is more accurate to think of doing ‘allyship’ as a verb” (pg. 3). Check out this six-part devotional that explores biblical wisdom for allyship. It leads readers through the self-work and reflection that can nurture solidarity and offers practical exercises to support a lifestyle of allyship.


How to Fight Racism: Courageous Christianity and Our Journey Toward Racial Justice — This book provides practical suggestions and guidance for how to address racism as it shows up in ourselves, our relationships, and our social systems. Check it out for a wide-variety of entry points and on ramps for how to respond to racism as an outworking of our faith.


Rediscipling the White Church: From Cheap Diversity to True Solidarity — Addressing issues related to race is a matter of Christian discipleship. That said, many of the discipleship tools and Christian practices White congregations have been using have not produced a faith passionate about and equipped to continue God’s redemptive work in the area of race relations. Explore David Swanson’s book that recommends holistic, communal discipleship practices that can help birth true solidarity and transformation within White congregations.


Redeeming Our Ethnic JourneyJourney with Sarah Shin, author of Beyond Colorblind, in her video presentation that explores the biblical concept of ethnicity and how developing our ethnic identities and addressing our ethnic brokenness can serve as a witness to the healing power of Jesus Christ.


How Can Privileged Christians Work Strategically for Equity?Check out this online lecture from Dr. Christena Cleveland that highlights the humble posture White people should have in the work of  race relations and offers concrete examples of what this can (and cannot) look like in our lives.


For another faith-based look at addressing issues related to race, check out High Rock Arlington’s resources for racial justice.


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