Human Trafficking

Hard Steps Toward the Light: Meet Bonnie Gatchell [Interview]

Hard Steps Toward the Light: Meet Bonnie Gatchell [Interview]

Meet Rev. Bonnie Gatchell! Bonnie equips Christians throughout MA to minister to women exploited in the sex industry. In this interview we hear a little of her story.

Gender Based Violence & the Church [Resources]

Gender Based Violence & the Church [Resources]

The Church has a critical role in prevention, intervention, and healing from gender-based violence (GBV). These resources can help.

Voices of Human Trafficking [VIDEO]


Exploitation Response Sheet for Spanish Speakers

Qué es explotación/Tráfico Humano? "Tráfico Humano es la adquisición de la personas pormedios impropios, tales como la fuerza, el fraude, o la coacción, con el objetivo de explotarlos." United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime­trafficking/

Si alguien se identifica a sí mismo como una víctima de la trata de personas, o sospecha quealguien está en riesgo o involucrados con la trata de personas y la explotación, aquí están los recursos para la respuesta

Exploitation Response Resource Sheet Quincy, MA

If someone self-identifies as a victim of human trafficking, or you suspect someone is at risk or involved with human trafficking and exploitation, here are resources for response.