Christian Organizations Addressing Social Issues
This guide showcases organizations addressing some of the most pressing social issues. Their endeavors range from supporting vulnerable children and families to promoting environmental stewardship.
Photo credit: Matt Vasquez via Lightstock
by Rudy Mitchell, Senior Researcher
Boston is home to an array of initiatives dedicated to tackling social issues. Many churches and Christian organizations are at the forefront of addressing these needs. Some have been serving for decades. Others are new.
This guide showcases Christian organizations addressing some of the most pressing social issues. Their endeavors range from supporting vulnerable children and families to promoting environmental stewardship.
Organized into over a dozen categories, this guide lists many organizations engaged in this work. Whether you want to collaborate, network, volunteer, or learn more about what God is doing in our city, we hope this guide serves as a valuable resource.
This is not meant to be a comprehensive list. Don’t see a Christian organization you think should be included? Feel free to contact us to suggest any additions.
“The mission is to engage and equip neighbors, volunteers, and congregations to build strong communities characterized by God’s shalom.
“Shalom means wholeness, peace, well-being, righteousness, and justice.”
The ministry applies “community-building strategies that include strengthening youth and families, developing leaders, multiplying collaborations, and investing in corner-by-corner transformation resulting in a more green, healthy, safe, connected, and economically-empowered neighborhood.”
For more on their youth programs, see "Youth" below.
Website: tbpm.org
Email: tbpm.org/contact
Phone: (617) 929-0925
Location: 15 Elmhurst St., Dorchester, MA 02124
Cory Johnson Program for Post Traumatic Healing
“The Cory Johnson Program for Post Traumatic Healing is a Christ-inspired, community-based, clinically-supported 501c3 program of the Roxbury Presbyterian Church Social Impact Center that offers a peer-centered approach to addressing post-traumatic stress in urban neighborhoods.” The program fosters connections and empowers individuals to take active roles in helping themselves and others heal. The main outreach of the Cory Johnson Program is the Can We Talk Network, which has several sites in Boston.
Can We Talk Roxbury: “This program component offers a safe, sacred space for people to share their stories of trauma, loss, grief, and hope in words, poetry, or song. Artists in residence offer their creative expressions, and Community Companions offer support. It is a place for listening, and people experience individual and community healing.” Other support groups are also available.
Contact: Danielle McFarlane, dmcfarlane@rpcsic.org
Location: Roxbury Presbyterian Church, 328 Warren St., Boston, MA 02119
Codman Square Can We Talk? A partnership with the Boston Project Ministries, Life Church Boston, Second Church of Dorchester, and Neighborhood Church of Dorchester. “Codman Square Can We Talk? is a safe place to share your story and have your voice heard and welcomed. It is a community-based, clinically-supported program that increases awareness and understanding of trauma, offers mental health resources, and a safe environment for what can at times be painful conversations to occur.”
Phone: Contact through The Boston Project by dialing 617-929-0925 or emailing Maridena Rojas, maridena@tbpm.org
Location: Community Room, 86 Southern Ave., Dorchester
Also: Anointed Fire Church, 777 Washington St., Dorchester; Contact: Tony Fernandes, tonya_f@hotmail.com
Peace by Piece: Fourth Presbyterian Church
Contact: Lauren Basler, laurenabasler@gmail.com
Contact: Rev. Burns Stanfield, bstanfield@hds.harvard.edu
Location: 340 Dorchester St., South Boston, MA 02127 and 5 O’Connor Way, South Boston, MA 02127
Emmanuel Episcopal Church of Boston (Common Cathedral)
Contact: Rev. Carrington Moore, carrington@commoncathedral.org
Location: 15 Newbury St., Boston, MA 02116
Boston Trauma Healing Collaborative
“The vision of Boston Trauma Healing Collaborative is to develop an integrated strategy that draws from the strengths of current trauma healing programs (both locally and nationally), to train and equip churches and communities to become more trauma-informed as they respond to wounded people and unacceptable realities that are often rooted in trauma. . . .
“This integrated strategy includes a collaborative effort between BTHC, as a local partner with the American Bible Society and the Trauma Healing Institute, and the Cory Johnson Program for Post-Traumatic Healing and their Can We Talk… Network, which will help encourage churches and non-profit organizations to work together to bring healing to those wounded by trauma.”
American Bible Society Trauma Healing: ministry.americanbible.org/trauma-healing
Trauma Healing Institute: traumahealinginstitute.org
Cory Johnson Program for Post-Traumatic Healing: rpcsocialimpactctr.org
Can We Talk… Network: canwetalknetwork.org
“For an individual who has experienced the life-shattering effect of domestic abuse, Hagar’s Sisters is a non-profit organization that offers holistic services that empower them to find healing and a new healthy way of life that is free from abuse.”
Website: hagarssisters.org
Boston Education Collaborative
The Boston Education Collaborative (BEC) is an initiative of the Emmanuel Gospel Center which recruits, trains, and connects church volunteers with underserved schools to address disparities in educational opportunities.
The BEC “empowers churches, schools and non-profits to support underserved urban students. BEC helps students thrive in all areas of life by nurturing and supporting church-school partnerships; facilitating and encouraging neighborhood-focused involvement; engaging in systems level work; and participating in broader networking, coaching, and learning opportunities.”
Leadership: Ruth Wong, director
Website: egc.org/education
Email: rwong@egc.org
Phone: (617) 262-4567
Boston Higher Education Resource Center (at Congregación León de Judá)
Mission: “The Boston Higher Education Resource Center (HERC) functions to equip first-generation youth of color to access and thrive in higher education, to break the cycle of poverty, and to become agents of change in our communities.”
The Passport Curriculum is designed to equip 11th and 12th-grade students to navigate the college admissions process and the college world successfully while gaining and developing their academic and leadership skills. The center offers both in-school programs and a community-based program at 62 Northampton St. These programs are far more extensive than typical after-school tutoring programs.
Leadership: Carolina De Jesus, CEO; Junardy Jean-Charles, Passport to College Program Director
Website: bostonherc.org
Email: info@bostonherc.org and infopassport@bostonherc.org
Phone: (617) 221-6495
Location: HERC, 62 Northampton St., Boston, MA 02118
American Chinese Christian Educational & Social Services, Inc. (ACCESS)
Mission: “ACCESS seeks to empower, encourage, & motivate immigrants to build confidence, gain skills, and the ability to make positive changes within their own lives.”
Vision: “We want to see our Chinatown neighbors thriving and building bridges across languages, cultures, and generations in God's love.”
Their programs include K-5th grade enrichment afterschool and summer programs, adult fitness as well as arts and crafts programs in Tai Tung Village.
Leadership: Pasang Drolma, executive director; Annie Tran, director of children and families
Website: chinatownaccess.org
Email: info@chinatownaccess.org
Phone: (617)-426-1070
Location: 244 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA 02111
Victory Generation Programs of the Black Ministerial Alliance/Ten Point, a network of faith-based, out-of-school educational enrichment programs.
Mission: “Our mission is to empower and strengthen out-of-school program leaders and their staff who serve as role models and the front-line to the children and families we wish to serve. In addition to building impactful and qualifiable programs for students, we also provide workshops and training to empower parents in advocating for their children and fostering positive school relationships.”
Leadership: Rochelle Jones, director of education
Website: bmatenpoint.org/victory-generation
Email: info@bmaboston.org
Phone: (617) 445-2737
“Victory Generation directly aids out-of-school programs dedicated to nurturing, strengthening, and enhancing the social, emotional, and cognitive development of Boston's youth aged 5 – 12. As an intermediary, we support our affiliated programs by enhancing their organizational and programmatic capabilities. Our assistance includes networking, financial aid, professional development workshops, and technical guidance.”
Twelfth Baptist Church After-School
Leadership: Darryl Simpson, program director
Website: tbcboston.org
Email: dsimpson@tbcboston.org
Phone: (617) 427-5158; main line: (617) 442-7855, ext. 121
Location: 160 Warren St., Roxbury, MA 02119
Hours: Monday - Friday, 2-6 p.m.
Greenwood Shalom After School Program (a Victory Generation site)
Greenwood Shalom offers a range of enriching activities designed to engage and inspire students. These include tutoring, homework assistance, interactive online learning using Lexia, art, music, STEM projects, physical fitness, social emotional support, field trips, play, and test prep.
After-school enrichment program for children ages 5 to 13.
Summer enrichment program
English Language Arts Bootcamp: A full day program in February vacation week.
Math Bootcamp: A full day program during April vacation week.
Saturday Online Academy (10 a.m. - noon): Designed to uplift and empower students who may face barriers to traditional academic and emotional support.
Healing Hearts Club Camp: A transformative five-day program designed to provide healing and support for children ages 8 to 13 who have experienced trauma.
Contact information
Coordinators: Sasha Desrosiers and Jennifer Merren
Website: greenwood-outreach.org
Email: greenwoodshalom@gmail.com
Phone: (617) 282-1464
Location: 378 Washington St., #A, Dorchester, 02124. (The entrance is on Dakota Street.)
Mission: “To promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in education, employment and opportunity through long-term relationships with youth and their families and communities.”
B Ready
Afterschool enrichment program for students grades 1-12. See ssypboston.org/bready for more details.
B Safe
“Summer enrichment program - provides a safe, fun, academically enriching environment for 650 students each year. We run B-SAFE at our year-round sites in the South End and Lower Roxbury and at four additional sites in Dorchester, Mattapan, and Chelsea.
Intergenerational Organizing
This program “equips young people to become agents of change and helps them to organize their neighbors, parents, and peers to address the issues of that disproportionately impact their communities” (such as gun violence).
Contact information
Leadership: Inés Palmarin, executive director; Eva Ortez, chaplain
Website: ssypboston.org
Email: info@ststephensbos.org
Phone: (617) 262-9070
South End: St. Stephen’s Church at 419 Shawmut Ave., Boston, MA 02118
Lower Roxbury: The Church of St. Augustine and St. Martin at 31 Lenox St., Boston 02118
Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light
• To educate people on why climate change is a matter of morality and justice.
• To foster public understanding of policies that will lead to a sustainable future.
• To work with faith communities and their members to be better environmental stewards of their buildings by providing technical expertise and assessing ways they can lower their carbon emissions and save money.”
Website: massipl.org
Email: info@MassIPL.org
Phone: 617-244-0755
Address: P. O. Box 600163, Newton, MA 02460
Better Future Project builds grassroots power to advance a rapid transition beyond fossil fuels. Communities Responding to Extreme Weather (CREW), a program of Better Future Project, is Better Future Project's network of local leaders building grassroots climate resilience. In 2023, CREW sponsored the Interfaith Summit, How to Respond to Climate Change.
Rev. Vernon Walker, former director
Location: 30 Bow St., Cambridge, MA 02138
Boston Faith & Justice Network
Boston Faith & Justice Network, as part of one of its online book club discussion series, has focused on how we as Christians are called to climate justice. See the BFJN website for recommended resources and readings.
Leadership: Elizabeth Grady-Harper, executive director
Website: bostonfaithjustice.org/learn
Email: info@bostonfaithjustice.org
“Fostering Hope empowers churches and individuals to care for children and families impacted by foster care.
Our vision is the dream of a day when ZERO children in foster care are waiting for a safe and supported family to care for them. This initiative is called Project ZERO. “
Leadership: Jonathan Reid, founder and director
Website: fosteringhope.org
Email: info@fosteringhope.org
Phone: (401) 524-0949
Initiative on Health, Religion, and Spirituality
Although this organization is not independent, it addresses the important relationship between spiritual care and spirituality to medical care and physical health. The initiative is centered at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health.
It aims “to study and implement ways to better integrate religion and spirituality into the practice of medicine and public health. It seeks to discover individual and social connections of spirit, mind, and body within the healthcare context. Advancement of spirituality research is energized by the practical concern that new discoveries from spiritual and religious resources will yield significant new gains in alleviating illness and promoting human flourishing.”
Some of the studies are relevant to end-of-life spiritual care.
Faculty leaders include Dr. Tracy Balboni, Dr. Michael Balboni, Ms. Laura Tuach, and Dr. Tyler VanderWeele.
Website: projects.iq.harvard.edu/rshm/home
Email: xavier_symons@hsph.harvard.edu (Xavier Symons, administrator)
Location: 12 Arrow St., Cambridge, MA, 02138
Boston Health Care Fellowship and Longwood Christian Community
“Our vision is to reunite faith and healthcare in line with God's intention of bringing healing to the world. To that end, we exist to make disciples of Jesus among those in the biomedical science and healthcare community in Boston for the glory of God.”
Website: healthcarefellowship.org
Location: Boston Healthcare Fellowship, Longwood Medical Area, Boston, MA 02120
Christian Medical and Dental Society
The Christian Medical and Dental Society “has over 340 healthcare campus ministries as well as over 80 community ministries. Along with encouraging students to live out the character of Christ on their campuses, they help Christian healthcare professionals connect with each other through local ministries.”
Campus chapters
Housing Justice
“The Boston Rescue Mission transforms lives by empowering individuals experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of becoming homeless to achieve and sustain life skills necessary to become more self-sufficient.
“We operate an emergency overnight shelter every year. We offer healthy and hearty meals, basic necessities, and bathroom and shower facilities. We provide sober living and life growth shelter communities for men in recovery transitioning from homelessness to independent living.
“Our mission is to
Offer resources that prevent and end homelessness
Support the recovery, health, faith, and independence of those with a history of substance use, incarceration, and homelessness
Raise awareness about the root causes of homelessness, addiction, and incarceration
Serve our guests and residents and each other with respect, integrity, and grace
Continue to learn, grow, and excel in our services
Be good stewards of the resources entrusted to us by our supporters”
Contact information
Website: brm.org
Email: info@brm.org
Phone: (617) 338-9000
Location: 39 Kingston St., Boston, MA 02111
Veterans’ House: 173 Humboldt Ave., Dorchester, MA 02121
Faith Leaders for Housing Justice
“A coalition of Boston area faith leaders collecting and sharing information and stories about issues facing people with housing insecurity.”
The group is involved in several practical ministries. Leaders include Art Davies, Rev. June Cooper, Sara Mitchell, Jennifer McCracken, Amanda Grant Rose, and Phil Jones. They are working in partnership with the Boston Faith & Justice Network.
Website: bostonfaithjustice.org/fl4hj/
Send Relief: Boston Ministry Center's Friendship Initiative
“The Friendship Initiative of the Boston Ministry Center seeks to build friendships with neighbors experiencing homelessness. It begins with sharing a meal, engaging in constructive conversations and transforming lives through fulfilling relationships.”
Leadership: Andrew Montoya, coordinator
Phone: (401) 443-6839
Location: Boston Ministry Center, 88 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02108
MANNA (Many Angels Needed Now and Always)
MANNA is a “ministry of and with the unhoused community in downtown Boston. Through MANNA, we seek not only to welcome folks across differences of class, wealth, culture, race and mental ability, but also to empower all people to claim their place as essential members of our community. We all have gifts to give and to receive. We need each other. And this is why we gather each week to serve, to pray, and to create together.”
Mission statement: “To provide a space for spiritual refuge and flourishing; To build a community of genuine belonging with the unhoused and unstably housed of Boston.”
Leadership: Rev. Jennifer McCracken, contact and lead pastor
Website: mannaboston.org
Email: mannaboston.org/contact
Location: St. Paul’s Cathedral, 138 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02111
Hours of ministries:
Gathering of friends over coffee and worship service (Sundays, 8:30 - 11 a.m.)
Lunch and worship service (Mondays, 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.)
Black Seed Writers Group (Tuesdays, 9:30 - 10:45 a.m.)
Quiet Meditation (Tuesdays, 11 a.m. - noon)
"Miracle Mile Ministries is a Boston, MA based Christian ministry devoted to a sustained, deliberate, and strategic response to the area we call ‘Miracle Mile’ (a roughly 2-square-mile area in the South End of Boston often referred to as ‘Mass & Cass’ or ‘Methadone Mile’).
“It is led by a core group of four Boston area Lead Churches (Congregación León de Judá, Antioch Community Church Brighton, Cornerstone Church, and Symphony Church) but involves a universe of a dozen or so churches and parachurch ministries from throughout Boston's neighboring communities who faithfully support this effort week after week.”
Saturday ministries include breakfast, prayer, clothing distribution, counseling and referral, and street outreach.
Website: miraclemileministries.com
Email: cljstreetministry@gmail.com
Saturdays at 9 a.m. (volunteers arrive at 8 a.m.)
Location: Congregación León de Judá, 62 Northampton St., Boston, MA 02119
Winter Walk is a non-profit organization raising awareness and funds to end homelessness in our communities. It centers on an annual walk, 2 miles around the streets of the city in February, one of the coldest months of the year. The Winter Walk raises awareness and funds for 25 non-profit organizations working to alleviate suffering and address the root causes that give rise to homelessness. It helps fund St. Francis House, Common Cathedral, and the Manna Community. Also, various church groups have participated in Winter Walk.
Website: winterwalk.org
Email: info@winterwalk.org
Although not specifically a Christian organization, Women’s Lunch Place operates at the Church of the Covenant at 67 Newbury St. in Boston.
Leadership: Jennifer Hanlon Wigon, executive director
Website: womenslunchplace.org
Email: info@womenslunchplace.org
Phone: 617-267-1722
Affordable Housing
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization
“The Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO), founded in 1998, is a broad-based organization that works for the public good by coalescing, training, and organizing people across religious, racial, ethnic, class, and neighborhood lines.” “Our mission is to build power by developing local leaders so we can act together on issues that matter to our communities.”
Housing Justice Campaign
“This comprehensive, multi-pronged, statewide Housing Justice campaign addresses challenges to safe and dignified public housing, affordable rental and homeownership, and access to supportive housing for citizens returning housing justice and other issues.”
Leadership: Allie Gardner, chief of staff, (608) 630-3041; Kathleen Patron, executive director
Website: gbio.org
Email: office@gbio.org
Mailing address: GBIO, P.O. Box 190892, Roxbury, MA 02119
Location: GBIO, 1803 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester, MA 02124
“Habitat for Humanity Greater Boston’s homeownership program provides homeownership opportunities to families without the financial means to purchase a home through traditional methods. By utilizing volunteer labor, sweat equity, and donated supplies and funds, Habitat Greater Boston can build and sell homes at an affordable price to first-time homebuyers.” Since its founding, the organization has used its model to build more than 120 homes in Dorchester, Roxbury, and other neighborhoods.
Website: habitatboston.org
Phone: 617-423-2223
Location: 434 Massachusetts Ave., Suite 201, Boston, MA 02118
Mission: “Amirah exists to provide a refuge for those seeking to break free from exploitation and heal in community on their journey toward lasting hope. “ “Amirah exists to provide exit and aftercare opportunities to women exiting the commercial sex trade.”
Amirah’s “supportive services include comprehensive case management, economic stability planning, housing navigation, support groups, individual coaching, and peer care navigation. We provide supportive services to clients living in our residential program, those housed in other local housing programs, and clients housed independently or seeking housing placement.”
Amirah also has a rapid rehousing program, a community resource center, and education programs.
Leadership: Mary Speta, executive director
Website: amirahinc.org
Email: info@amirahinc.org
Phone: (781)-462-1758
Location: 100 Cummings Ctr, Suite 204-J, Beverly, MA 01915 (office)
“The mission of Route One Ministry is to serve sexually exploited and trafficked women by entering strip clubs and building relationships with the women who work in the clubs. We also strive to equip the local church, and community leaders with the tools they need to understand trafficking, identify vulnerable people, and respond in the most healthy ways to those who have experienced sexual abuse.”
Leadership: Bonnie Gatchell, executive director
Website: lovedbyrouteone.org
Email: info@lovedbyrouteone.org
Send Relief: Boston Ministry Center’s Beloved Initiative
“The Beloved Initiative is an effort to serve human trafficking and sexual abuse survivors as they are brought into safe community with opportunities to be mentored and empowered to embrace new identities in Christ.” This ministry is a part of the Boston Ministry Center.
Leadership: John Ames, director
Phone: (401) 443-6839
Location: Boston Ministry Center, 88 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02108
“Harbor Christian Counseling provides clinically skilled, biblically informed, gospel driven counseling services for individuals, couples, children and families in the Greater Boston area. Our team also seeks to partner with local churches to provide training and resources that promote a more effective and compassionate ministry to mental health issues within the church.”
Leadership: Matt Warren, executive director
Website: harborchristiancounseling.com
Phone: (617) 299-6516
Location: 874 Beacon St., Boston, MA 02215
Boston Faith & Justice Network
"The Boston Faith & Justice Network brings Christians from many traditions together to move from personal religious commitment to transformative action against poverty and oppression. We foster a dialogue about money and responsibility while presenting opportunities for practical lifestyle shifts and justice-oriented engagement. Economic discipleship—following Jesus with our money—is one of the foundations of our vision for Christ-centered just living."
Leadership: Elizabeth Grady-Harper, executive director
Website: bostonfaithjustice.org
Email: info@bostonfaithjustice.org
Massachusetts Poor People's Campaign
The Poor People's Campaign, a national ecumenical and interfaith anti-poverty campaign, seeks to confront the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, the denial of health care, militarism and the expansion of the war economy, and the false narratives of religious extremism and white supremacy. Cynthia Parker is one of the local Massachusetts organizers.
Emmanuel Gospel Center (EGC): The Race & Christian Community Initiative (RCCI)
RCCI collaborates across racial lines to foster shalom between individuals, communities, and systems damaged by racism. “RCCI works toward this vision by equipping Christians in Greater Boston to engage issues of race in ways that honor the image of God in all people and nurture the righteousness and justice Jesus desires for our communities.”
RCCI “provide[s] biblically-based discipleship so white evangelical communities can experience — and contribute to — healing from the sin of racism.” RCCI “also work[s] with BIPOC Christians who desire to see transformation in white evangelical communities and the body of Christ at large.”
The ministry includes action communities, learning community cohort groups, experiential education, workshops, and coaching. Resource lists, articles, and books are also available.
Leadership: Megan Lietz, director
Website: egc.org/race and egc.org/race-resources
Email: mlietz@egc.org
Phone: (617) 262-4567
Location: EGC, 44 Moultrie St., Dorchester, MA 02124
“Our vision is that people and organizations are aware and respond to the racial brokenness and systemic injustice in our world. That we are no longer conditioned by a racialized society but are grounded in truth. That all are equipped to flourish.”
During 2020 and 2021, UniteBoston launched a “Be the Bridge” Zoom group, where 28 people engaged in weekly conversation with Latasha Morrison’s “Be the Bridge” curriculum. Although this is a national organization, a number of Boston area churches have started “Be the Bridge” groups and used the curriculum.
Website: bethebridge.com
Email: info@bethebridge.com
Awaken City Church: Immigrant Connection
"Immigrant Connection is dedicated to building a community of inclusion.
"By providing low-cost legal services to eligible immigrants to secure permanent residency and citizenship, our hope is that they will experience greater access to employment, education, housing, and health services. Our entire community and economy benefit when individuals experience stability and opportunities.
"Immigrant Connection (IC) is recognized by the Department of Justice, and our services include legal representation for green cards and citizenship, petitions for survivors of domestic violence or violent crimes, family-based petitions, temporary protected status, consular processing, work authorization applications, and DACA renewal applications."
Website: awakenboston.org/immigrant
Emmanuel Gospel Center (EGC): Intercultural Ministries
“Intercultural Ministries (IM) supports immigrant leaders' work in grassroots organizations tuned in to community needs. We leverage our volunteer and church networks, offering thought partnership as our partners share their concerns and make strategic connections to support our partners' priorities. We network, train, and consult to promote effective intercultural ministry and international mission networks in and out of Greater Boston.”
Leadership: Sarah Blumenshine, director; Gregg Detwiler, consultant
Website: egc.org/intercultural
Email: sblumenshine@egc.org
Location: EGC, 44 Moultrie St., Dorchester, MA 02124
Mygration Christian Conference
“We exist to explore God's heart through stories of migration.”
“We believe that the Bible's stories are our stories, and that through the exploration of these stories we can come to a greater understanding of how Christians can positively and proactively respond to the migration crisis in our world today.”
Mygration Christian Conference sponsors an in-person and online conference each summer and provides educational webinars and resources throughout the year.
Leadership: Daniel Montañez, founder and director
Website: mygrationchristianconference.com
UniteBoston: “A Sanctuary for Strangers”
“We want to help every church, big and small, to feel equipped to address the migrant crisis and mobilize their church to ACT. We have put together a full preaching package complete with designs, multimedia content, sermon examples, and more, to help churches recognize Migrant Sunday across Boston effectively.”
Leadership: Rev. Kelly Fassett, executive director; Rev. Devlin Scott, managing director
Website: uniteboston.com/a-sanctuary-for-strangers-understand-believe-act/
Mailing address: UniteBoston, P.O. Box 961162, Boston, MA 02196
“Our mission is to improve the quality of life of immigrants in Massachusetts by empowering our community members to become leaders, overcome social challenges, and fight against xenophobia. As an immigrant-led, grassroots organization, we work in three areas: community organizing, legalization, & citizenship services.”
Some of Agencia Alpha’s many services include:
Immigration advice and consulting
Family petitions and adjustment of status
Temporary Protection Status (TPS)
Work permit renewals
Free citizenship application assistance
Citizenship classes (Boston/East Boston)
Interpretation and translation services
Agencia Alpha has also worked with the Massachusetts Immigrant Collaborative.
Leadership: Patricia Sobalvarro, executive director; Damaris Velasquez, program director; Vilma Galvez, legalization program director
Website: agenciaalpha.org
Email: info@agenciaalpha.org
Phone: (617) 522-6382
Location: Congregación León de Judá, 62 Northampton St., Boston, MA 02118
True Alliance Center is a faith-based charitable organization that seeks to promote advocacy in the Haitian community related to education, housing, immigration, health, and economic development. The Center advocates for positive change, educates its constituents about their rights and opportunities, provides assistance, and develops partnerships.
Leadership: Rev. Keke Fleurissaint, director
Website: truealliancecenter.org
Email: dieufortnfs@gmail.com or tacempower@gmail.com
Phone: (617) 749-6947
Location: 1550 Blue Hill Ave., Mattapan, MA 02126
Send Relief: Boston Ministry Center’s Geneva Initiative
“The Geneva Initiative of the Boston Ministry Center mobilizes churches to receive refugees and international families in healthy and loving ways, inviting them into a supportive community and connecting them with opportunities in their new home country.”
Phone: (401) 443-6839
Location: Boston Ministry Center, 88 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02108
“The mission is to engage and equip neighbors, volunteers, and congregations to build strong communities characterized by God’s shalom.
“Shalom means wholeness, peace, well-being, righteousness, and justice.”
The ministry applies “community-building strategies that include strengthening youth and families, developing leaders, multiplying collaborations, and investing in corner-by-corner transformation resulting in a more green, healthy, safe, connected, and economically-empowered neighborhood.”
Youth ministry: The Boston Project partners with Young Life Boston. Along with others, Christian and Mary Grant serve as staff for both organizations.
Day program: “The Elmhurst Park Program aims to keep neighborhood children engaged by fostering a safe environment where they can grow as a person and develop friendships.” This is a free, summer day program from 12:30 – 4 p.m.
Mental health: “The Mental Health Ambassadors program brings together teenagers who are passionate about supporting teen mental health. Together, the MHA team works to decrease the stigma, educate their peers and community about mental health, and create innovative spaces for self-care and healing.”
Life coaching: LevelUp Life Coaching “provides teens with a personal life coach, a caring mentor trained to help them create, achieve, and celebrate their goals.”
Summer employment
Artists in Action: “In collaboration with professional artists, young people bring shalom (peace, justice, healing, wholeness) through visual art pieces benches, murals, sculptures) and performances (music, drama, spoken word, and dance) in our community.”
Healthy Youth Champions: In this summer program, “youth work at urban farms and gardens, learn how to cook nutritious snacks and meals, assess community health resources, and educate their peers and children in healthy lifestyle habits such as exercise, self-care, and healthy eating.”
The Boston Project also offers leadership development programs and teen jobs.
Website: tbpm.org
Email: tbpm.org/contact
Phone: (617) 929-0925
Location: 15 Elmhurst St., Dorchester, MA 02124
Black Ministerial Alliance / Ten Point Coalition
Mission: "to build the capacity of Black churches and ministry leaders to support the empowerment of our youth and families and strengthen the Health and well-being of their surrounding communities."
The Ten Point Coalition works collaboratively to end patterns of violence in Boston. It seeks to foster cooperation between faith-based organizations and leaders in citywide-crime-reduction efforts and youth intervention.
Contact information
Leadership: Rev. David Wright, executive director
Website: bmatenpoint.org
Email: info@bmaboston.org
Phone: (617) 445-2737
Location: 2010 Columbus Ave. (Lower Level), Roxbury, MA 02119
Victory Generation out-of-school programs – see above
Vacation Bible School: In partnership with churches
Teen Café: Activities and work opportunities to prevent youth violence
Community Wellness: Seeks to improve health outcomes and eliminate disparities
Boston Faith and Justice Network
Mission: “The Boston Faith & Justice Network brings Christians together to live simply and give generously in pursuit of a just world.”
Working for justice: “Christians have a Biblical call to be at the front lines of transformative action against injustice.”
Practicing economic discipleship: “Economic Discipleship is what BFJN calls the process of following Jesus with our money.”
Engaging in Community: “Through our Lazarus at the Gate small group study, BFJN encourages open discussions about wealth, poverty, and Christian responsibility to meet the needs of the suffering and vulnerable.”
Service: The “Micah 6:8 programs offer multi-day experiences for those wishing to explore deeply the concepts of justice and generosity in their own lives.”
Bible study: Lazarus at the Gate is an eight-week Bible study that challenges participants to understand the Biblical foundation for generosity, simple living and just consumption. BFJN also offers shorter Lazarus at the Gate workshops.
Contact information
Leadership: Elizabeth Grady-Harper, executive director
Website: bostonfaithjustice.org
Email: info@bostonfaithjustice.org
EGC “is a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to supporting the work of passionate individuals, ministries, and organizations seeking to positively impact critical issues in the city. Our collaborative approach aims to create a more equitable, connected, and thriving community for all Bostonians.”
Website: egc.org
Phone: (617) 262-4567
Location: 44 Moultrie St. Dorchester, MA 02124
Mailing address: P.O. Box 240017, Dorchester, MA 02124
The Salvation Army Boston Kroc Center
The Kroc Center offers fitness equipment and instruction, an aquatics center with a pool, climbing wall, gym, group exercise, youth programs, culinary arts training, programs for seniors, and many other classes.
The Youth programs include F.E.A.S.T., which stands for “Food, Enrichment, Arts, Spiritual Development and Teaching.”
“Kids F.E.A.S.T is a children's out-of-school program that aims to provide a relaxed, safe, Christian environment where children experience God’s unconditional love, learn valuable biblical stories, develop appropriate social behavior, discover new skills, pursue interests, utilize talents, make new friends, and have lots of fun.
“Youth ages 6-12 have the opportunity to receive tutoring and mentoring, spiritual development, social and emotional skill development, fitness fun and enrichment activities.”
Phone: (617) 318-6900
Location: 650 Dudley St., Boston, MA 02125
UniteBoston sees its role is to “create opportunities for ‘beloved community’ to emerge, one that leans into our diversities, nurtures belonging for all of God’s children, models redemptive power dynamics, and works together to nurture shalom across historic divides. As we nurture kinship relations among diverse siblings in Christ, we believe our self-giving love for each other will be a collective witness to the reconciling power of the gospel.”
Leadership: Kelly Fassett, executive director; Rev. Devlin Scott, managing director
Website: uniteboston.com
Email: info@uniteboston.com
Mailing address: UniteBoston, P.O. Box 961162, Boston, MA 02196
“Christians are serving generously in every sector of Boston. The Boston Collaborative is helping them work together to achieve the greatest impact.
“Our dream is to see communities transformed and Christians known as redemptive change agents in Boston.”
The Boston Collaborative focuses on the Boston Trauma Healing Collaborative, Pastors Praying Together, Boston Flourish, and Returning Citizens.
Leadership: Jua Robinson, executive director
Website: bostoncollaborative.org
Email: info@bostoncollaborative.org
Phone: (617) 804-6195
Mailing address: P.O. Box 365988, Hyde Park, MA 02136
See above for details of programs. Other programs of community organizing and promoting community and individual well-being involve adults as well as youth.
Leadership: Paul Malkemes, executive director
Website: tbpm.org
Phone: (617) 929-0925 (general); (617) 318-6937 (ministry and church)
Location: 15 Elmhurst St., Dorchester, MA 02124
Greater Boston Nazarene Compassionate Center
The goal of the Center is “to provide relief and opportunity to the most vulnerable, distressed and underprivileged, undeserved, under-represented people of the greater Boston area, with a particular emphasis on the Haitian community, immigrants and youth in Mattapan, Dorchester and vicinity.”
“To enable limited English speaking adults to access skill building programs and basic services to stabilize families, and develop marketable skills that position them for success.”
“To mobilize the community to address critical issues and opportunities that affect Haitians in Greater Boston.”
“To provide high quality education and support services that effectively advance youth along the ‘educational pipeline’ from elementary, middle, and high school through college graduation.”
The Center operates a large food pantry, a workforce readiness initiative, education programs, refugee ministries, and a youth arts and culture program.
Leadership: Rev. Dr. Pierre-Louis Zephir, executive director
Website: https://www.gbncc.org/
Email: info@gbncc.org
Phone: (617) 506-6161
Location: 130 River St., Mattapan, MA 02126
Send Relief: Boston Ministry Center
“In the heart of Boston, this Send Relief ministry center is dedicated to functioning as a catalytic hub for restorative ministry in and around the city. The center is committed to working alongside local ministries and through the local church to see communities strengthened to the glory of God.”
“The Boston ministry center is committed to resourcing local churches, renewing ministry workers and families and restoring communities in need across the city. We do this through three initiatives: The Friendship Initiative (relating to homelessness), The Beloved Initiative (relating to human trafficking), and the Geneva Initiative (relating to refugees & international families). See categories above for more detail).
Leadership: John Ames, director
Phone: (401) 443-6839
Location: Boston Ministry Center, 88 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02108
This section highlights some organizations that, while not explicitly Christian, are doing meaningful work with churches and faith-based groups to address social issues.
City of Boston's Faith-Based Monthly Community Meetings and Newsletter
Leadership: William Dickerson III, City of Boston, Senior Advisor of Faith-Based Initiatives; Kenneth Moales, assistant
Email: william.dickerson2@boston.gov; kenneth.moales@boston.gov
Phone: (617) 308-7609
Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence
“Our Mission: The Massachusetts Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence brings together impacted communities, advocates, public health experts and policy-makers to prevent gun violence in all its forms. Because we recognize that gun violence is a public health emergency exacerbated by economic disparity and systemic racism, we address those root causes through education, policy analysis, trauma informed advocacy, and by amplifying the voices of impacted individuals and communities.”
“Our Approach: Directed by survivors and member organizations, we seek to strengthen legislation, gun safety practices, research, and funding for community based solutions to create a Commonwealth that is free from gun violence. The Coalition engages in this work through four main avenues: Education, Advocacy, Community Organizing, and Member Support. Many faith-based partners (including EGC) are a part of the coalition.”
Leadership: Ruth Zakarin, executive director; Mark Scott, president of the board of directors
Website: mapreventgunviolence.org
EGC’s (Inaugural) Shalom-Seekers Book List
Which books help you pursue the shalom of the city and the glory of God? Here are some titles that have contributed meaningfully to our shalom-seeking in Boston.
EGC’s (Inaugural) Shalom-Seekers Book List
Liza Cagua-McAllister for EGC staff
The Emmanuel Gospel Center (EGC) exists to catalyze kingdom-centered, systemic change for the shalom of the city and the glory of God. If you are also on this amazing mission, our staff recently put together a list of books that have influenced and helped us along this challenging journey!
We asked our team: What books from diverse authors have you read that have contributed meaningfully to your shalom-seeking in the urban context? Why were these books significant to you?
Submissions ranged from systems thinking primers to books on racial healing, from urban ministry classics to challenging new works less than a year old. From the 28 books mentioned by our team, we selected about a dozen to display in our EGC breakroom. Here are a few of those noteworthy titles, with staff comments.
“I find this book important for shalom-seeking in the urban context because... ”
A Multitude of All Peoples
A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity's Global Identity by Vince L. Bantu (2020)
In order to know where we are headed, we need to know where we’ve been. Dr. Bantu — a former EGC staff member — brilliantly challenges Western mental models and makes the case for how the Church’s very foundation is multicultural.
Buried Seeds
Buried Seeds: Learning from the Vibrant Resilience of Marginalized Christian Communities by Alexia Salvatierra and Brandon Wrencher (2022)
Rev. Dr. Salvatierra and Rev. Wrencher glean powerful learnings from faith communities facing brutal challenges and evidencing tremendous power and imagination! From these historic movements, they offer present-day applications to different audiences, which is very helpful given urban shalom-seekers’ diverse experiences and social locations.
The Color of Compromise
The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism by Jemar Tisby (2020)
Dr. Tisby offers an eye-opening and thoughtful account of how the Church has been complicit in creating and maintaining the unjust structures of systemic racism in America. This is an important book for understanding one of the key issues of our times.
Ecosystems of Jubilee
Ecosystems of Jubilee: Economic Ethics for the Neighborhood by Adam Gustine and José Humphreys III (2023)
The authors richly engage Scripture to address the relationship between justice and economics, which is so central to making things right in our world. We can’t really live out the gospel without having it reshape our economic ethics, and this is a great beginning!
Seek the Peace of the City
Seek the Peace of the City: Reflections on Urban Ministry by Dr. Eldin Villafañe (1995)
Dr. Villafañe applies the “Jeremiah paradigm” for ministry in the city, laying the biblical and theological groundwork for engaging issues such as violence and reconciliation in the city with the wisdom and truth of God’s word.
Thinking in Systems
Thinking in Systems: A Primer by Donella H. Meadows (2008)
We work in a complex web of interrelated living systems. Understanding systems is fundamental to our work, and this is the classic primer on what systems are and why they matter. It’s a great starting point or great refresher for your systems journey.
Other titles you can find in the EGC breakroom:
Beholding Beauty: Worshiping God through the Arts by Jason McConnell (2022)
Beyond Welcome: Centering Immigrants in our Christian Approach to Immigration by Karen González (2022)
First Nations Version: An Indigenous Translation of the New Testament trans. by Terry M. Wildman with consultant editor First Nations Version Translation Council (2021)
Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience Paperback by Sheila Wise Rowe (2020)
I Bring the Voices of My People: A Womanist Vision for Racial Reconciliation by Chanequa Walker-Barnes (2019)
The Alternative: Most of What You Believe About Poverty is Wrong by Mauricio Miller (2017)
The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict by The Arbinger Institute (2006)
Come by EGC to borrow one of these copies, check them out at your local library, or purchase them at your local, independent bookstore through bookshop.org!
These books help us pursue the shalom of the city for the glory of God. How about you?
Healing Racial Trauma: Fresh Resources
Racial trauma awareness—by both people of color and white people—is critical to healing our racial wounds and racial divides. Sheila Wise Rowe’s newest book Healing Racial Trauma fills this crucial gap with an exploration of the reality and scope of racial trauma, along with interviews that honor real people’s paths toward resilience.
Healing Racial Trauma: Fresh Resources
We at the Race & Christian Community Initiative (RCCI) at EGC would like to draw your attention to an essential upcoming book, Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience, by Boston area Christian counselor, speaker, and author Sheila Wise Rowe.
Racial trauma awareness—by both people of color and white people—is critical to healing our racial wounds and racial divides. Sheila’s newest book fills this crucial gap with an exploration of the reality and scope of racial trauma, along with interviews that honor real people’s paths toward resilience.
Sheila is the executive director of The Rehoboth House, an international healing and reconciliation ministry that provides counseling, spiritual direction, art therapy, retreats, and life coaching in Greater Boston and Johannesburg, South Africa. Spanning these two racism-charged settings in her work has yielded vital insights into racial trauma. In her 2018 article “Healing from Race-Based Trauma,” she shared poignantly about her journey from South Africa back to the US, when she observed more deeply the extent and impacts of race-based traumatic stress in the US.
In June of this year, RCCI was honored to welcome Sheila to give a keynote address on racial trauma at the RCCI Community Gathering & Fundraiser. There she explained the cycle of racism-based traumatic stress that people of color accumulate and carry with them daily. She challenged white people seeking racial reconciliation to understand and acknowledge racial trauma.
Watch brief clips from the 2019 RCCI keynote address:
Pre-order Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience HERE and get 30% off with promotion code: OFFER20W. Offer good only until Monday, January 6, 2020!
You’re also invited to join Sheila at the Book Launch Party on Saturday, January 11! RSVPs are appreciated!
Take Action
Loving Everybody is Powerful
How has 2018 been for you? James Seaton shares reflections on the summer of 2018 in Boston and where we’re at as the Church.
Loving Everybody is Powerful
by James Seaton
““When we were told to love everybody, I had thought that that meant everybody.” ”
The summer of 2018 evoked in me a complex mix of positive and negative emotions.
I witnessed my beautiful, intelligent sister graduate from her Long Island high school. Amidst the burgers, jokes, and laughter during our family celebration at IHOB (IHOP? IHOB? I can’t keep up), I felt as close to my family as I ever have. At the same time, I was saddened to learn about the thousands of immigrant children separated from their parents at the Mexico-United States border.
I had the pleasure of immersing myself in beautiful Boston neighborhoods such as Dorchester and the South End as part of my summer internship in city missions. But I also learned about how wealthy residents have moved into these same neighborhoods and, whether they meant to or not, have contributed to increases in rent, making way for the displacement of lower income, long-time residents.
In my living situation, I experienced the embrace of a diverse Christian community of 11 students from places ranging from Singapore to New York. But I also watched the news as White Americans called the police on others with darker skin just for using a coupon or selling water.
Such is this world—a place full of dichotomies and complexity.
James Seaton (center), Rev. Cynthia Bell (back left), director of EGC’s Starlight homelessness ministry, Stacie Mickelson (back center), EGC director of Applied Research & Consulting, Liza Cagua-Koo (back right), EGC assistant director.
Love and the Church
I have often asked myself whether we, the Church, are loving well in these times. The Church—what began as a small group of people following Jesus, sacrificing their money and possessions to help others and spread the gospel, a group some predicted would become irrelevant—has developed into a body of over two billion people.
I’ve heard many stories about how the Church as the Body of Christ has been a positive agent of change. In my own life, I’ve witnessed how much I’ve matured because of the community surrounding me at my home church, the House of Judah, in Long Island. I believe that the Church has had a unique ability to tackle tough individual and broad-spectrum issues like racism, homelessness, poverty, lack of healthcare, and more. But all of that begins with one word: love.
In one of my favorite Bible passages, Titus 3:3-4 (ESV), Paul writes that he and Titus were once “hated by others and hating one another,” until the “goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared.” We now have the Holy Spirit to aid us in loving everyone—even those who are not like us or who do not agree with us.
Despite this message of hope and truth, the Church has sometimes struggled to love. Many perceive a lack of love within the Church as some Christians demonstrate hatred towards undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers, remain silent on racism and police brutality, condone misogyny, and take a pro-birth but not pro-life stance.
Because of this, some brothers and sisters have decided to leave the Church. James Baldwin, a prominent gay, Black author of the 20th century who once identified as a Christian, is one example of someone who immersed himself in the Church and, after finding various hypocrisies, decided to abandon it. In a sobering paragraph in The Fire Next Time, he writes,
“The transfiguring power of the Holy Ghost ended when the service ended, and salvation stopped at the church door. When we were told to love everybody, I had thought that that meant everybody. But no. It applied only to those who believed as we did, and it did not apply to white people at all. I was told by a minister, for example, that I should never, on any public conveyance, under any circumstances, rise and give my seat to a white woman. White men never rose for Negro women. Well, that was true enough, in the main - I saw his point. But what was the point, the purpose of my salvation if it did not permit me to behave with love toward others, no matter how they behaved toward me? “
In this instance, Baldwin speaks about agape love, the sacrificial love by which we love everyone, even those who have hurt us or have a different skin color.
This summer, I was an intern at the Emmanuel Gospel Center and on Boston summer mission with Cru, a Christian campus ministry. In my time there, I experienced several ways that I and others can better love one another.
2018 EGC Interns praying together: Chelsie Ahn (left), James Seaton, (center), and Evangeline Kennedy (right).
Love Others As You Love Yourself
First, to love others, it is critical both to understand and love yourself. True self-understanding starts with confronting our personal myths. In The Fire Next Time, Baldwin writes,
The American Negro has the great advantage of having never believed that collection of myths to which white Americans cling: that their ancestors were all freedom-loving heroes, that they were born in the greatest country the world has ever seen, or that Americans are invincible in battle and wise in peace.
What myths do we cling to, as individuals or as the body of Christ? Whom do we believe ourselves to be? Whom does God say that we are? I think that, by coming to a clear understanding of who we are, we can then treat ourselves with love and empathy.
Love Reaches Out
Secondly, it is critical to get to know people across dividing lines—whether it be friends, neighbors, or leaders of various organizations.
I regret that I have often prioritized comfort and individualism over relational development and sacrifice. I’ve preferred to stay within my room at Cornell University or the box of my schedule without making time to be interruptible or learn more about the community that I inhabit.
Love Pays the Cost
Perhaps the hardest lesson I’ve learned is that to love means to sacrifice or “do the hard thing.” To love those who hate us is a sacrifice of pride and personal will, as well as a representation of Jesus’ love for us. The great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in a sermon entitled, Love Your Enemies, said,
Another way that you love your enemy is this: When the opportunity presents itself for you to defeat your enemy, that is the time which you must not do it...That is the meaning of love. In the final analysis, love is not this sentimental something that we talk about. It’s not merely an emotional something. Love is creative, understanding goodwill for all men.
Loving someone who hates us or looks at the world differently from us is difficult. But the Holy Spirit equips us to complete this action in a society in which hate is rampant in various forms. “That,” as King says it, “is the meaning of love.”
I hope that we as individuals and as the Body of Christ will love everybody better in the future: the homeless veteran, the hungry child, the immigrant fleeing dangerous circumstances back home, the widow, and any other person we may deem challenging to understand and help.
James Seaton is a senior at Cornell University, studying communication. In 2018, James interned with EGC’s Applied Research & Consulting. His research focused on urban housing and racial justice.
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