Interested in dignified End of Life Care? Here are some starter resources to begin your learning.
Top 6 Books For Understanding The South End
White Evangelicals’ Candid Talk About Race: 6 Takeaways
Voices of Human Trafficking [VIDEO]
Saffron: A Refugee Story [VIDEO]
History of Revivalism in Boston
Journey with EGC’s Senior Researcher Rudy Mitchell through Boston’s key evangelistic revivals from the First Great Awakening in 1740–1741 through the Billy Graham campaign of 1950. History comes alive as we read how God moved in remarkable ways through gifted evangelists, and we gain a deeper appreciation for Boston’s vibrant Christian history.
A Good Death: The Benefits of Talking About End of Life
Report from the 2017 New England City Forum
After the President's Refugee Order: Greater Boston Refugee Ministry Update
A Word to White Evangelicals: Now is the Time to Engage Issues of Race
We are at a critical moment in the history of our nation—a time not when new problems have arisen, but when old problems have been revealed. The violence against young Black men, the tension that inspired the killings of police officers, the division surrounding a heated election, and the exclusion of the Muslim community are just a few indicators that things are not well. How will we respond in our increasingly diverse nation as racial tensions flare across our land?
Jamaica Plain's Journey Through Time: History + Resources
EGC 365 Campaign
We have initiated the 365 campaign to help EGC be sustainable, day in and day out, 365 days a year. We are seeking investment to strengthen our work, as well as 365 new monthly donors. We invite you to join us in this important work of strengthening Christian leaders by investing in EGC or by becoming a monthly donor.
Examples of Collaboration in the Greater Boston Church Community
There has been a rich history of ministry collaboration in the Greater Boston Christian community. This document gives a brief description of some of the significant ministry initiatives in urban Boston that involved a broad coalition of ministry partners, and/or involved significant partnering across sectors. Much more could be said about each of the ones listed, and many more initiatives, projects and ministries could be added to this list.
Resources about Human Trafficking for Churches.